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O01 Monitoring and detection
O02 Monitoring and detection
O03 Instrumentation and detectors
O04 Instrumentation and detectors...
O05 Basic physical processes
O06 Dating and dose reconstruction
O06-01 Bleaching and dose response studies on Al-hole Electron Spin Resonance...
O06-02 The LnTn method: a new method for determining equivalent doses
O06-03 Beta dose heterogeneity in sediment samples measured using a Timepix ...
O06-04 L Band Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Tooth Dosimetry
O06-05 Fabrics for short term dosimetry following a radiological emergency...
O06-06 Investigation of the dose-response in re-irradiated fingernails and...
O07 Basic physical processes
O08 Dosimetry for medicine & biology
O09 Radiation safety and security
O10 Dating and dose reconstruction
O11 Dosimetry for medicine & biology
O12 Materials characteristics
O13 Dosimetry for medicine & biology
P1 Poster Session (Sep16)
P2 Poster Session (Sep17)
P3 Poster Session (Sep19)
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Recent questions and answers on O06-05 Fabrics for short term dosimetry following a radiological emergency...